Monday, December 04, 2006

Bye Bye Bitch!!! pt 10

Amanda was the last girl before the finale to be sent home! I have to say I definitely did not agree with this decision. Whatever. My opinion officially doesn't count so on to the recap!

The big reward competition was Flamenco Dancing. The girls were taught how to dance by their partners on one day and then they had to perform in front of an audience the next. Amanda was pretty much crapping her panties because she knew she was awkward. Smellrose was confident and velociraptor-like the whole time. Eugena was playing her role as catty bitch to the hilt and Caridee was...well...she was Caridee...

The actual dancing sort of sucked but Amanda practiced a lot the night before so she didn't suck too bad. Smellrose bit the big one. She screwed up one of the first steps and just sort of never recovered. Eugena (who was a dancer when she was younger) did well and Caridee did fine...not anything to write home about.

Eugena won the competition and she chose Amanda to be her co-rewardee. They got some was a little lame. The best part of the whole dancing excersize was Smellrose freaking out because she didn't win. She had a total was awesome.

The photo shoot was interesting this week. The girls were divided into pairs (Eugena/Smellrose and Amanda/Caridee). They got flowy dresses and extentions and were told to float on their backs in a pool. They were supposed to look like water nymphs.

Eugena and Smellrose were first and Eugena sucked as usual. I guess it didn't help that Smellrose and Eugena hate each other! They got through the shoot just fine but complained about the freezing water a lot.

Caridee and Amanda did really well---except for the fact that Caridee had to be removed from the pool because she was starting to develop hypothermia!!! It was sooooo funny! She was shaking so hard! Props to Amanda for letting them take photos of her alone!

The judge's panel was confusing and pretty much LAME. Whatever Tyra! She tried to show the girls how to dance and totally lost her shoe! Priceless! I do not understand how they kept Ewwwgena over Amanda!?! What the Hell? Let the photos speak for themselves!

Cover Girl of the Week:


Best Photo:

Amanda and Caridee

Sorry 'bout it! They were the best ones. I really think Amanda's shot puts Ewwwgena's to shame. I just don't get it....

Most Improved:

Ms J

Props to Ms J for looking at Tyra like she was crazy (when she asked him to dance with her).

Annoying Bitch of the Week:

Tyra Banks

Dear Tyra:
What is up with you this season? I adore you and hope that you will snap the Hell out of whatever childhood trauma you are reliving. Stop freaking the Hell out in panel and mellow girl...mellooooow...


1 comment:

America's Next Top Podcast said...

your recap was soooo funny! Ewwwwgena! you are the best!I adore Miss J and agree that Tyra is suffering from some sort of childhood trauma, in addition to Vag-arm-ites. Can't take credit for that, a listener came up with it but I thought it was hilarious!