Monday, September 04, 2006

Now We Have A Show!!!

Well, it finally happened! I think my LETTER must have gotten to Janelle and Erika! They had a meeting today and decided to work together to get Chill Town out of that house! I have to give Erika props...she really played this situation well.

Will monopolized Janelle's every moment since she won that veto. He has seriously been by her side for 48 hours straight. He even slept in the bed with her and kept her awake whispering in her ear. He should have never called her "psycho" in the hot tub the other night.

After Erika was snubbed by the Chill Town boys she pretty much gave up hope. She went to the back yard to get her laundry and saw the boys giggling and bragging out there. She was furious but she also saw this as an opportunity to sneak a talk with Janelle who was working out in the weight room. The funny part is Janelle asked Will to work out with her and he declined! If he would have stayed with her things would be different.

Erika caught her in the room alone and just spilled the beans about everything! She told her Will was playing her and that he had called her a slut. Will knew Erika was going to do this and had been confessing to Janelle all day. The problem is he didn't confess the truth. He never told her the real things he said. Erika told her EVERYTHING. She said Boogie and Will had been playing them all season and she was sick of it! Janelle told Erika all the bad things Boogie has been saying about her too! Erika was really hurt! These girls are PISSED!!! SCANDALOUS!

While the girls were talking the boys were outside panicking! Boogie actually said, "This is our fucking show and these BITCHES want to take it away from us!" When Will asked her about the talk she lied to him (a first). Janelle the said Erika said he said she was a SLUT. He was speechless.

Janelle finally agreed to keep Erika and KILL CHILL! Shout out to HAMSTER WATCH for the awesome shake pic!

If this works it will be the best thing that has happened all season. I really don't know who I would vote for in the end...Erika and Janelle have both played very strong games....I guess we will see what happens tomorrow! I would like to take this moment to say I find it very interesting that Erika is basically playing the exact same game Alison (her nemesis from season 4) played. The boys have no clue the girls are breaking up the band! I hope this works out! SCANDALOUS!!!

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