Thursday, September 14, 2006

Survivor: Cook Islands

Tonight Jeff Probst comes back into my life with his Survivors!

Here is my first impressions of the Survivor contestants this year:
Keep in mind that I know nothing about them except what I've read/seen online!

Adam, Becky and Billy:

I suspect Adam may be targeted fairly early in the show. He seems to be a physical threat at first glance. I say watch out for Becky! Of these three contestants I am drawn to her. I have a feeling she could be an "Amber"(Rob and Amber: All-Star Cast). Billy...well...from what I can tell...Maybe he'll be the funny one???

Brad, Candice, Cao Boi:

Brad is the queen of the season! He's from Washington and he used to be a model...(hee-hee)...I think it will be funny watching him try to prove himself to the straight boys! Candice sort of scares me for some reason. I think she has crazy eyes or something. I get the impression that she isn't what she seems. Cao Boi: the token old guy. I think he has a good shot because people won't consider him a threat. I am predicting Cao Boi will be the food guy in his tribe...or at least he'll try to be!

Cecilia, Cristina, Jessica:

Cecilia may surprise me, but at first glance....BORING! Cristina could end up being like a "Steph" type (see Survivor: Guatemala). She may be another who gets seen as a threat. I have a feeling about her though...she might go all the way. Jessica: token hippie chick! She's probably going to annoy me!

Jenny, Johnathan, JP:

Jenny: Most Likely To Cry. Johnathan just seems like he might be really annoying to be around. I bet he will get stabbed in the back big time. He sort of seems like he has a "kick me" sign on his back. They had better get rid of JP early or he might win. He may come off as cocky though...

Nathan, Ozzy, Parvati:

Nathan will be the work horse of his tribe. I think Ozzy has "bullshit" written all over him. He will probably stir up trouble and get really paranoid right before his ass goes home! Parvati will either be kicked out first or go to final four.

Rebecca, Sekou, Stephanie:

Rebecca seems like the type to either be really cool or really lame. I reserve judgement for later! Sekou is a threat and will go as soon as tribes merge. Stephanie: Most likely to throw a hissy fit that makes me laugh! I like her from the little that I've seen...she could be a "Cirie" (from Exile Island).

Sundra and Yul:

Sundra seems like a bit of a threat...she could come across as annoying and that could get her voted off the island! Yul is a hotty but that could count against him. I think Brad could easily be threatened by Yul.

My friend Josie and I like to pick our four favorites. Josie if you are reading this, these are mine:
Cristina, JP, Stephanie, Parvarti

I think that Parvarti is most likely to be gone first of the four I have picked. I guess we'll see tonight if I was right about any of these people.

more as I know...

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