Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Bye Bye Bitch pt 8

As it is now I'm going to have to say James will be leaving the house Thursday night. Danielle is beginning to pull a Janelle with the crying jags. I can't tell if she is faking it or not. She certainly has a reason to. Danielle is beginning to realize that she is alone in the house. She has alienated Janelle, Erika is in bed with Boogie, George thinks she is a liar and Chill Town...well we all know what Chill Town is about.

I have to say I love Danielle. She has been my favorite player since Season 3. I am very disappointed in her actions this time around. The thing I'm most disappointed by is her saying, "I'm here for redemption! I'm not playing the same game this time around." That is a bold faced lie. She is playing the exact same game as last time. James became her new Jason and Janelle became her new Roddy. I hope that Danielle is wise enough to cut the crap and focus in the next week.

You all know how I feel about James this season. He has been such a Will wanna be that he screwed up his own game. James is James and Will is Will. James doesn't seem to realize that Will may be a liar but he is a good natured liar. He doesn't seem to get that Will makes people feel good about themselves. James has just been vindictive and bitchy. That is a bad miscalculation on James' part.

I predict the votes will be 3 to 1 to vote out James.

Janelle, Will and Erika will vote to evict James and Danielle will vote to evict Chicken George.
I can also see it going like this:

Janelle and Danielle vote to evict Chicken George. Erika and Will vote to evict James. Mike Boogie then will break the tie by sending James home.
The deciding factor will be Janelle and if she chooses to honor her promise to never vote James out.

more as I know...

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