Sunday, August 13, 2006

Coup D'Etat Bitches!!!

So it seems that the third clue was revealed this evening. It was a grim reaper! The house guests assume the phrase is: YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW. I feel totally smart right now! Mike Boogie is the one that guessed it. Actually, Will came up with the answer and gave it to Boogie, but that doesn't stop Boogie from having a huge head about it. Sigh.
Janelle rang the bell right after Boogie and gave her answer: YOU SOW WHAT YOU REAP. She did that just in case the phrase needed to go in the same order the clues appeared in.
They don't know yet that the HOH can be overthrown and the nominees replaced.

Danielle is definitely taking herself off the block and either Marcellas or Chicken George will take her place. Janelle's "alliance" is desperately trying to get her to nominate Marcellas so that they can screw her over again by keeping Erika in the house!

I actually feel sorry for Janelle because no one in the house is on her side in "reality". They are all wanting to humiliate her on national television. It is actually sort of sad because she is trying so hard to believe them when they say they are with her. Howie is still her ally.

I have decided I will root for her to take the whole game...but I doubt she will make it through next week.

Oh well!

Just in case you are curious these are the guesses the other house guests made:

Danielle: Do Not Assume
James: Pull the wool over your eyes
Erika: Do Not Assume
George: You can expect to expect the unexpected.
Howie: Wolf in sheep's clothing
Boogie: You reap what you sow
Janelle: You sow what you reap
Marcellas and Will have not guessed.

I have decided that James is not even interesting enough to annoy me!

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